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e.g. My Canvas

I love books as much if not more than chocolate, but don't tell chocolate I said that. I have a degree in English but don't do anything with it...yet. For now I will just enjoy reading and reviewing books, it works for me.


I am trying to find an Adult fantasy book I read a while back (three years agao). One scence I remember is a woman who can hear voices from the past running through the woods. Supernatural guy sees her on his camera and goes and gets her. However, when the guy is around the voices go away. But she was sent by some bad guys who want to catch the supernatural guys. I believe they are vampires not sure though. I also know it is in the same vein as the Black Dagger Brother seris. Can some one please help me?!



OK after much more searching I found it. It is the Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter! Whew! I feel better now!