Well I finished reading the last bit of the book and I will say it was good, however, it was not like spectacular. I will read the next one though as the author left it in a cliff hanger.
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The ending had me feeling kind of . I will read the next one, in which I hope things shape up. I also hope someone gives that baby some attention.
Also, someone tell Molly that most people who leave to protect cause more harm, at least it does in most other books.
OK, I am not completly done with the book like I want to be (my child had a birthday so I had to put off reading this weekend). I will say I have enjoyed this series so far. I did get a litle aggervated with how many times the author made Molly, the main character, seem like The Hulk. She would talk about going in and smashing fist and then asking questions later. But they are good still.
The books, I believe, are only in ebook form, but they are worth the read. It is an intresting concept with the whole gods, demons, and mythology.
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I will review more after I have finalyl completed the book. Part of me wants to so that I can know but another part does not want it to end.
I am trying to find an Adult fantasy book I read a while back (three years agao). One scence I remember is a woman who can hear voices from the past running through the woods. Supernatural guy sees her on his camera and goes and gets her. However, when the guy is around the voices go away. But she was sent by some bad guys who want to catch the supernatural guys. I believe they are vampires not sure though. I also know it is in the same vein as the Black Dagger Brother seris. Can some one please help me?!
OK after much more searching I found it. It is the Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter! Whew! I feel better now!