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I love books as much if not more than chocolate, but don't tell chocolate I said that. I have a degree in English but don't do anything with it...yet. For now I will just enjoy reading and reviewing books, it works for me.

COMPLETED: Home (Hidden #3) By: Colleen Vanderlinden

Well I finished reading the last bit of the book and I will say it was good, however, it was not like spectacular. I will read the next one though as the author left it in a cliff hanger.



OK back to the story. So Molly still struggled with Brennan and the baby. However, not enough that she did not mind getting in a little action. I will say that the baby was suppose to be important to Brennan but he sure did not act like it. I just felt that there was no love losses there. I actually started to feel bad for the baby. I mean his dad did not so much affection, the mom put a spell on him, and Molly could barely look at him. Not once did Molly say, "gosh this poor child is a victim of his parents" and seeing as how she had a hard childhood I was hoping she would have been a little more soft hearted toward the child, even though she was mad at the baby's daddy (Brennan).

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Ugh! And let me talk about that ending, I mean I am glad she found the witch and the demons but it was very anti-climatic. I just expected more of a BAM ending but to no avail.

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The ending had me feeling kind of . I will read the next one, in which I hope things shape up. I also hope someone gives that baby some attention.


Also, someone tell Molly that most people who leave to protect cause more harm, at least it does in most other books.


Home: (Hidden #3) By Colleen Vanderlinden

OK, I am not completly done with the book like I want to be (my child had a birthday so I had to put off reading this weekend). I will say I have enjoyed this series so far. I did get a litle aggervated with how many times the author made Molly, the main character, seem like The Hulk. She would talk about going in and smashing fist and then asking questions later. But they are good still.


The books, I believe, are only in ebook form, but they are worth the read.  It is an intresting concept with the whole gods, demons, and mythology.


I like Molly in this book, she is trying to find her way back home after closing the door way between our world and the Nether and Aether. In the process of closing the door way she killed herself and was reborn in the Nether.


So this is where book two ended and book three began. I liked learning more about the gods, Molly, her parents, and those she loves. Now I have only made it to where she is back in her world and has learned that some of the demons that were loyal to her in the Nether are causing trouble. So I can't go much further than that in the review. But I will say her dying over and over was a little much, I was ready for that part to be over. And for the fact that Brennan has a baby now gets me. I don't know why, but then there is a part of me that wants Molly to get over it because it had been such a long time. However, I do understand that for Molly it had seemed like weeks.


I do have some ideas about why everyone is having bouts of anger. I think one of those demons that were trapped on the outside of the Nether care causing trouble. But I guess I will have to read the rest.


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I will review more after I have finalyl completed the book. Part of me wants to so that I can know but another part does not want it to end.


I am trying to find an Adult fantasy book I read a while back (three years agao). One scence I remember is a woman who can hear voices from the past running through the woods. Supernatural guy sees her on his camera and goes and gets her. However, when the guy is around the voices go away. But she was sent by some bad guys who want to catch the supernatural guys. I believe they are vampires not sure though. I also know it is in the same vein as the Black Dagger Brother seris. Can some one please help me?!



OK after much more searching I found it. It is the Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter! Whew! I feel better now!